Six Championships and counting!

Last Updated: August 23, 2016By

(Aug. 23, 2016) There is only one driver in the history of Speedway 660 who has won championships in our three original divisions. This man started his career by winning back to back titles in street stock in 2002 and 03. He followed that up with pro stock championships in 08, 09 and 2011 before being crowned our sportsman champ three years ago. 


A Conversation with Greg Fahey

Wade: When you started racing with us about 15 years ago did you ever think you were going to be as successful as you have been in our sport?

Greg: Hi Wade. Well first off it doesn’t seem like I started way back in 2001, but I guess I did and that makes me feel a little old. I never would have thought I’d be lucky enough to be in the position I’m in. A lot of my success begins at the shop, I’ve always had amazing support from sponsors, family and friends. None of the championships would have been possible without their support.      Displaying 13652519_10153909075829685_536277507_n.jpgGreg started out racing street stocks at Speedway 660 back on 2001. Then he raced #25 and in this photo runs side by side with the legendary “Smokin” Joe Albert. Fahey won street stock championships in 02 & 03.

Wade: Almost from day one you were a contender and it didn’t seem to matter whether it was street stock, sportsman or pro stock. All of these cars drive differently and each division has its own unique challenges, so how have you been able to be as successful as you have been over the years?

Greg: I grew up in a motorsports home. My father (Dennis) and both uncles (Danny & Doug) were drag racers. I think I got the itch to drive fast at an early age and it didn’t matter what I was driving, I always wanted to go as fast as possible. And the best place to go fast is on a race track. Each division at 660 has its own characteristics, just learning how to get the car on the edge but not go over I think is the key.Greg Fahey pit shot 2015It takes team work to win at this sport. Greg Fahey is a great driver, but he knows he can count on the #29 team to give him an awesome race car at 660 every week. 

Wade: You had your own team for many years and some pretty good support from sponsors, family and friends. But it must be hard for a guy working for wages, like many of our drivers, to run his own team.

Greg: Very difficult, it’s a year round commitment. We had a very small budget compared to some teams but somehow we’d come up with the money to race each week. Driving for Andy Fox’s MacLaughlin Roof Trusses team really took the pressure off running my own team, so now I can concentrate on driving the car and winning races. Greg Fahey SpeedWeekend 2015 pro stock heat winnerEverybody loves to win races. Over the years Greg has visited victory lane plenty of times, but he still has the drive to always try his best every time out to get there again.

Wade:  Six championships is impressive. We’ve had really good drivers race for years and not win any. Others have maybe won one or two and a rare few have won four or five, but no one has won championships in all three of our top divisions.

Greg: When we moved to sportsman in 2013 that was definitely a goal of mine, knowing it had never been done. Speedway 660 is known for having some of the best drivers, so it just feels good being mentioned in the same conversation.       greg fahey sportsman champ 2013 Greg Fahey made history at the 2013 Night of Champions by becoming the first driver to ever win titles in all three of our top divisions. 

Wade: How does it feel to be back in pro stock and why don’t you tell us how you got back to the top level of racing and a little bit about this race team?

Greg: Pro Stock is a great fit for me. The close racing and high speed is addictive. When Brian Gillespie stepped out of the #69 at the end of 2014, Doug Knox and Richard Martin approached me and asked if I’d be interested in talking with Andy Fox about driving for him. Andy is an amazing car owner with a fun, knowledgeable, hard working crew. Let’s just say it was a short conversation and we started planning for the 2015 season right away. I knew I had big shoes to fill after Brian retired, but I think the team gelled right away and we’ve had some success. We still have goals for 2016, winning the Re/Max Group Four Reality championship and the McLaughlin Roof Trusses 250 are definitely high on the list.Greg Fahey BoB 150 winner, 2015Andy Fox celebrates victory in the 2015 edition of the MacLaughlin Roof Trusses Best of the Best 150 with his driver Greg Fahey. 

Wade: You are from beautiful Charlotte County and there are a lot of race fans from there who come to Speedway 660 every week. They are avid fans and they are big time supporters of yours. That must make you feel pretty good.

Greg: I’m very proud of my home town and the people support me 100%. Each week I see people from home at the races, but putting on a good show for all the great fans that support 660 is a goal of mine each week.SpeedWeekend 2015 fansGreg loves racing in front of all the great fans at Speedway 660. But he really appreciates the folks, from “Beautiful Charlotte County” who come our way to cheer for him every week.

Wade: The Re/Max Group Four Realty Pro Stock Championship is up for grabs this year and you are certainly one of the drivers who have a shot at the title. What would a fourth pro stock title and seventh over-all mean to you?

Greg: It would be an honour to win the Pro Stock title and I’m going to give everything I have to do that.  But Kevin Moore is just five points behind me heading into the Night of Champions and I know his team wants the title too. This year I want the championship more for my team and Andy Fox than myself, because they have given me great equipment, a great team and the best opportunity I’ve ever had, and now its up to me to get the job done behind the wheel. champion-and-feature-winner-greg-faheyGreg’s last pro stock title came in 2011 and he thinks it’s time to capture another one. He’ll get his chance to do just that this Saturday night.

Wade: We’ve got the Night of Champions coming right up and then SpeedWeekend. What do you have to do to have a big finish to the 2016 racing season?

Greg: I think we’re in the perfect position to finish strong and with a little luck on our side we can hopefully pull off the championship. I mentioned earlier that Kevin Moore is in the hunt and Matt Harris has got a shot too. Both of these guys are great drivers and they’ve got awesome teams so we’ve got our work cut out for us. I don’t want to think too far ahead, but the McLaughlin Roof Trusses 250 will be amazing this year and with Andy being the main sponsor of the race, it’s the perfect time to take home the big trophy. I don’t feel my career will be complete without a 250 win.660_6337Greg races hard against Travis Benjamin in last year’s pro stock 250. Fahey knows the competition is always tough on SpeedWeekend, but really wants to go to victory lane in the stock car’s biggest Atlantic Canadian race. 

Wade: Thanks for doing this Greg and best of luck the rest of the way this season and we look forward to seeing you race at 660 for many more years.

Greg: Thanks Wade. Speedway 660 has been my home away from home for many years. I’ve made some lifelong friends and hope that continues. I’d just like to say thank you to Andy, Doug, Woody, Pete, Kim, Kaitlyn, Gail, Andrew, Shawn, George, Jeff, and Jack for all their hard work on race days and in the shop. I appreciate each and every one of them more than I could ever say. I also appreciate the owners and staff at 660 for giving us an awesome place to race and I really want to thank the great fans who pay their hard earned cash to watch us race for them each week.