Appreciating our Fans: A Conversation with…

Last Updated: August 12, 2014By

Every week in this space we have a Conversation with a driver or someone else involved in racing. With Fan Appreciation Night scheduled for this weekend, we asked some of our drivers what you the fans mean to them and why Speedway 660 fans are the best in the country.

george Jamieson works on car 2014
George Jamieson: Without the fans, none of us would be able to race. I love to race but cannot do it without my sponsors who give me money that enables me to race. Most sponsors love racing too, but they deserve something in return for supporting a race team. It gets their name out there for the fans to think about when purchasing a product or service. For example, fans looking to upgrade their heating system will probably think of Martin’s Home Heating first because they hear that name so often at the track and know that Anne and Richard are big supporters of our sport.

The fans at Speedway 660 are great because they are loyal to the track and drivers here. There are race tracks around the Maritimes and other parts of Canada that struggle or have closed down because they don’t have the fan base. We are lucky to have devoted fans who take time every week, to come see us race! And it’s our job to put on a great show for them.

Derek Christie feature pro stock winner 2014Derek Christie: I really enjoy meeting and talking to race fans. My Dad Leon has been in this sport for a long time and has taught me a lot over the years. One of Dad’s first lessons was to appreciate the fans and take time to talk with them about our sport. I really have fun meeting the fans at Speedway 660, especially the ones with Blue Oval gear on.

Our fans in the Geary Woods are knowledgeable about our sport and appreciate the effort the track and teams make to put on a show every week. That inspires us to race hard. The bottom line is simple: no fans equals no racing. I want to thank all of the Speedway 660 fans for their support and encourage them to please bring a friend out to see us race.

Team Barton 2nd place ENDURO june 2014
Courtney Barton: Starting out in ENDURO as one of the drivers behind the wheel of the Holstein Express, I have realized how amazing the fans can be and how many people (especially the little ones) love our sport. The “cow car” was always a huge hit with the fans and after each race we would have a line-up in the pits for the kids who wanted a picture with the cow car. We even let the fans get in the car. To this day, we still have those fans. The cow car disappeared for a few years, but when it re-appeared this year, the fans responded the same way they did in the past. Driving in the weekly Sharp Shooter division has given me more “grown up” fans. It is nice to go to the track each week and entertain our fans. Without them, racing would be so dull!  Thanks fans.

Brent Roy signs autographs 2014Brent Roy: The fans drive this sport and make it what it has become here at Speedway 660. They all have a driver they love and some have a driver they love to hate. The best part about our fans is they are so loyal to their favourite race teams, the sponsors and this race track. They expect to see the best weekly show in Canada and that’s what everybody down in the pits tries to deliver every time we go racing.

My favorite thing about this sport is when a youngster wants to congratulate me on a podium finish or just wants to learn a little more about racing. I always take a few extra moments to talk to them and sign an autograph. Ya just never know, you might be talking to the next Heidi Cooper, Alexandra O’Blenis, Bradley Logan or Shawn Tucker. When I was a kid I remember what a thrill it was to come to the races and how excited I was when I got to meet some of the drivers!

660_6904Heidi Cooper: I really love our fans. From the first day I drove out onto the track they embraced me and have always cheered for me. I’m always honoured when a Kids Club member chooses me to give them their ride around Speedway 660. Sometimes they are a little nervous when they get into the car, but by the time they finish their lap they’ve got a big smile on their face. It’s as much a thrill for me as it is for them.

Speedway 660 fans are the best and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for coming to see us race every week!

Brian Gillespie pro stock podium 2013Brian Gillespie: The fans are very important to racing because they support the track and make it possible for the drivers to put on a show. I`ve met some pretty amazing people over the years and made a lot of friends at the race track. The Speedway 660 fans are the most dedicated and enthusiastic fans in the Maritimes. They know this sport, appreciate what it takes for us to be competitive, support our sponsors and inspire us to have the best racing in our region. I want to thank each and every one of you fans for coming to the track and supporting all of the racers.

Karen Gillespie:  As a wife, mother, Brian’s biggest fan and part time crew member I just want to say how much we appreciate the Speedway 660 fans. They are just as important as the drivers because without either one we wouldn’t be able to enjoy this sport. Our family spends our entire summer at the track, camping, racing and enjoying our extended family of other drivers, race team members, their families and the fans.

Like lots of other fans, we’ll be there no matter what with winter coats or rain gear or fly spray. The bottom line is that we all love racing. We work hard to get our race car ready and can’t wait load-up and head down to the Geary Woods every weekend.

MacKenzie Brewer Bando podiumMacKenzie Brewer: The fans play a bigger role in racing than they might realize. That’s because without them there would be no one to race for and no one to cheer us on. A lot of us younger drivers have been coming to Speedway 660 since we were barely old enough to walk. We’ve grown up down in the Geary Woods and now that we are racing we are amazed at how much the fans support us and cheer for us.

Speedway 660 fans are very loyal to their favourite drivers, the track and sponsors of the race teams. I think it’s a win-win situation. It takes a lot of people to make it possible to race including the sponsors, crew members, our families and the track owners. But the fans are the ones who make this sport what it is and they are the ones who inspire us to be the best we can be.

I got my first-ever podium win earlier this year and then later in the season got a feature win. Standing on the front stretch or in victory lane in front of the Speedway 660 fans is pretty amazing. It makes you want to race hard for them every time you come to the Geary Woods. And if we do that, I think they’ll keep coming out to see us.

Justin Cole in the pitsJustin Cole: If it wasn’t for the great fans of 660 there would be no racing! All of the drivers and race team members started out as fans too. I’ve been coming here since day one and I still recognise faces from 20 years ago who have also been here since day one and every year in between!

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of coming to the race track with Mom and Dad to cheer for Bradley Logan and Scott Fraser. Those guys were my heroes and they were the guys who made me want to become a racer.

I want to thank all of the fans, especially from my hometown of Harvey for supporting this sport. Not only do they come to the track to watch the races and cheer for us, they also buy products and services from the race team sponsors and race track marketing partners. We have the best and most loyal fans around! On behalf of everyone down in the pits and out on the track I want to thank the Speedway 660 fans, you are the best!!