Four Time ENDURO Champ Crowned!

Last Updated: September 1, 2014By

Jesse Madore won the SpeedWeekend ENDURO 200 race, but Pat Sharpe drove away with the championship. Madore, who dominated Monday’s ENDURO, won two of the three races this year but it was Sharpe who took the title by the slim margin of two points.

“This is probably the sweetest of the four championships we’ve won because we really had to dig deep and make an extra special effort to get it done here today” said Sharpe, who finished second to Madore in the final ENDURO race of the season. “I must have had about twelve flat tires today and my crew kept getting me back out on the track and their effort is the reason why we were able to nail down this fourth title.”

Pat Sharpe 2014 enduro champPat Sharpe and his team finished 2nd in the SpeedWeekend ENDURO 200, but won the championship for an incredible fourth time!

Kim and Courtney Barton drove the Holstein Express to a third place finish behind Madore and Sharpe. Courtney also picked up a two hundred dollar bonus for spinning the most cars out in the last 50 lap segment of the race.

“I run a Sharp Shooter here at Speedway 660 every week, but ENDURO racing is where the real fun is” said Courtney Barton. “I’ll be back here again next year in an ENDURO and I’m gonna try to move up to the Street Stock Division too.”

Team Barton 3rd in Speedwknd 2014 ENDUROTeam Barton and the famous “Holstein Express” rolled to a third place finish in the final ENDURO of the season.

Madore won all three segments of the ENDURO race on Monday, but he just couldn’t shake Woodstock’s Pat Sharpe. Had Sharpe finished third in the race, the two would have tied for first in the points and Madore would have won the tie breaker.

“First off, congratulations to Pat and his awesome team they are true champions and deserve this title” said Madore. “I’m proud of our team too because we won two of the three ENDURO races this year and missed the championship by just two points.”

Jesse Madore ENDURO winner SpeedWeekend 2014Jesse Madore had a great ENDURO season winning two of the three races, but he just missed out on the championship by a mere two points!

The ENDURO 200 wrapped up SpeedWeekend and the 2014 season at Speedway 660. The 2015 season will begin in May with the Riverview Ford Season Opener.

SpeedWeekend ENDURO 200 Results
1. Jesse Madore
2. Pat Sharpe
3. Kim & Courtney Barton
4. Rheal Kenny
5. Nathan Gallant
6. Jeff Killam
7. Stephen Jensen
8. Richard Caissie
9. Roger Slocum & Rodney Ness
10. Matt Caissie
11. Steven Thibodeau
12. Shelby Hughes
13. Josh Barton
14. Dale Hathaway
15. Dale Gilbert
16. Marcus Stephenson
17. Chris Moore
18. Chalie Raynes